In his latest boxing column for the Sheffield Star, Dennis answers questions on Tommy Frank, John Fewkes, boxing in Sheffield, and Brendan Ingle.

Q:You recently suggested a new link between Tommy Frank and Sheffield United. What tangibly can Tommy offer the Blades? How do you see the new relationship?

A: Well, Tommy has always been very good with his feet, and United are looking for a new striker. So, he might fill that role – he’d be good for the last 10 minutes, he’ll either score a goal or get sent off for punching someone, like I used to! Tommy is undefeated, he’s just won a Commonwealth title, and United have just been promoted – so it’s a mutual tie-up. Success breeds success, and Tommy is an absolute role model.

He would be an inspiration to any young kid coming through their academy. It’s a different sport but the principles are the same – you get out what you put in, and Tommy is a prime example of that. I am also sure that plenty of the players will be boxing fans so, it would be great to see the players and fans getting behind Tommy. He is a massive United fan. If he keeps improving, he could be on the world scene shortly, and I’d love to put a world title fight on at Sheffield United.

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